Justin Woods, LLMSW

Founder & Principal


Peace Corps Rwanda

Upon completing his undergraduate degree, Justin served for three years in Peace Corps Rwanda. Working in an environment where economic development was the priority, interpersonal development and social inclusion were secondary focal points. From co-directing a life skills camp to supporting a local health equity organization working to address HIV and LGBTI inclusion, social equity has been the foundation of his professional career.

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Fighting the HIV epidemic in Black America

After doing work to fight the HIV epidemic abroad, Justin returned to the United States to work to address the disproportionate burden of HIV in the Black and queer communities he’s a part of. Fighting the HIV epidemic illuminated the impact systemic racism and inequality have on health and life outcomes. Focused on the human element, the emotional impact of inequality most lingered with Justin as he reflected on how to best support and serve others.

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EQuity Social Venture

During many of the social justice-centered dialogues, Justin was a part of over his career, emotions often surfaced as an obstacle to progress. Anger, guilt, frustration, voicelessness: participants on all sides of the dialogue were not equipped to navigate the emotions of racial dialogue. Having completed his training as a clinical social worker, Justin is determined to putting his interpersonal skills and lens of equity and justice to work. EQuity Social Venture is the vehicle for his professional passion.